D021. Multi-environmental trials pine clones data

The data file can be downloaded here:

This dataset corresponds to phenotypic records of pine clones planted across multiple sites (Isik et al. 2017). In this dataset, there is the clones id numbers (clone), the planting locations (location), the block indentifications (block), and the response variables of height at age 8 (height_8), and diameter breast height at age 8 (dia_8).

d021 <- read.table(here::here("data", "PINE_CLONES.txt"), header = TRUE)
clone location block height_8 dia_8
18 Hill 2 35.9 7.00
18 Hill 4 38.3 6.60
18 Hill 6 27.7 5.85
18 Hill 8 37.0 6.40
18 Orchard 2 35.7 5.40
18 Orchard 3 37.1 6.05
18 Orchard 4 31.0 5.20
18 Orchard 5 38.1 9.05