D022. Experimental trials on 478 spring barley lines

The data file can be downloaded here:

This dataset contains spring barley data from two field experiments (Oakey et al. 2016). The experiments took place over 2 consecutive years (trial). The trials were arranged in a spatial row-column design (row and column) with 5 replicate blocks (rep). This dataset contains records of clones (clone) from 478 barley lines (lines). For each tested line, a clone was included in each of the 5 blocks. At the full height maturity, each of these clones (ID) were measured for height in cm (height).

d022 <- read.table(here::here("data", "SPRING_BARLEY.txt"), header = TRUE)
ID lines rep column row height trial
2 201157_A 1 2 55 83 10
6 201157_A 5 8 394 84 10
7 201157_A 4 5 317 84 10
9 201157_A 2 3 111 85 10
10 201157_A 3 1 238 76 10
13 AAPO 5 1 350 88 10
15 AAPO 3 2 199 76 10
16 AAPO 4 6 247 68 10