D005. Rat pup weight with many recorded variables

The data file can be downloaded here:

This dataset contains the birth weights of pups (weight) from litters (litter) born to female rats that received different doses of an experimental compound. The treatments (treatment) corresponded to the doses: high, low and control. The dataset also contains litter sizes (lsize) and the gender (sex) of each pup (Pinheiro and Bates 2000).

d005 <- read.table(here::here("data", "RATPUP.txt"), header = TRUE)
weight sex litter lsize treatment
6.60 Male 1 12 Control
7.40 Male 1 12 Control
7.15 Male 1 12 Control
7.24 Male 1 12 Control
7.10 Male 1 12 Control
6.04 Male 1 12 Control
6.98 Male 1 12 Control
7.05 Male 1 12 Control