
Abbreviation Full form
AIC Akaike information criteria
ANOVA analysis of variance
BIC Bayesian information criteria
BLUE best linear unbiased estimation
BLUP best linear unbiased prediction
BV breeding value
CRD completely randomized design
df degree(s) of freedom
DH double haploid
GBLUP genomic best linear unbiased prediction
GEBV genomic estimated breeding value
GLM generalized linear model
GLMM generalized linear mixed model
GRM genomic relationship matrix
GxE genotype by environment
HBLUP hybrid best linear unbiased prediction
LMM linear mixed model
logLik log-likelihood
LRT likelihood ratio test
MET multi-environmental trial
MSE mean square error
NRM numerator relationship matrix
PEV predictor error variance
RAM reduced animal model
RCBD randomized complete block design
REML restricted (or residual) maximum likelihood
RIL recombinant inbred line
SEM standard error of the mean
SNP single nucleotide polymorphism
SNP-BLUP SNP-based best linear unbiased prediction
TGV Total genetic value