
Example Description
ASR001 LMM for a randomized complete block design - Wheat varieties
ASR002 LMM for a randomized complete block design with covariates - Wheat varieties
ASR003 Simple LMM - Twins’ IQ
ASR004 Hierarchical LMM with nested factors - Silicon wafers
ASR005 Hierarchical LMM with nested factors and heterogeneous variances - Silicon wafers
ASR006 One-way classification LMM - Railways rails
ASR007 LMM with fixed effect interaction - Rat pups
ASR008 LMM with fixed effect interaction and heterogeneous residual variances - Rat pups
ASR009 LMM for a randomized complete block design with spatial analysis - Wheat varieties
ASR010 Random coefficient LMM for longitudinal data (random intercept and slope) - Dog scans
ASR011 LMM with log transformation of the response and pedigree - Tawny dragon lizards
ASR012 LMM with pedigree information - Atlantic salmon
ASR013 Exploring the options to obtain a relationship matrix based on a pedigree
ASR014 LMM for a split-plot design with covariates - Oats varieties
ASR015 LMM for a row-column design with nested effects - Spring barley varieties
ASR016 LMM for a split-split-plot design with a three-way factorial - Apple cultivars
ASR017 Exploring phenotypic data at each site individually before fitting an MET model - Pine clones
ASR018 LMM for a multi-environmental trial analysis - Pine clones
ASR019 Obtaining predictions for specific values of an explanatory variable - Synthetic weight loss data
ASR020 Random coefficient LMM for longitudinal data (random intercept and slope) - Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
ASR021 Three-way interaction linear models - Treating hypertension
ASR022 LMM for repeated measures using an antedependence variance structure - Dog hearts’ enzyme content
ASR023 LMM specifying a generalized unstructured correlation matrix - Effect of ozone on lung capacity
ASR024 LMM with transformed response - Epilepsy treatment
ASR025 LMM with correlated residuals and model comparison using the LRT - Twins’ IQ
ASR026 Using SNP markers to obtain a genomic relationship matrix - Spring barley lines
ASR027 Run a quality control check on a genomic relationship matrix - Spring barley lines
ASR028 Univariate and bivariate parental LMMs - Maize hybrids