D010. Row-column experiment of spring barley varieties

The data file can be downloaded here:

Spring barley variety trial of 272 varieties (gen) with 544 observations. Grown at the Scottish Crop Research Institute in 1998 (Durban et al. 2003). The experiment followed a row-column design with 2 reps (rep), arranged as 16 rows (row) by 34 beds (bed). The plot yields (yield) were converted to tonnes per hectare. This dataset is available from the agridat package (Wright 2023).

d010 <- read.table(here::here("data", "DURBAN_ROWCOL.txt"), header = TRUE)
row bed rep gen yield
8 6 R1 G001 5.12
4 4 R1 G002 5.28
1 23 R1 G003 5.81
8 28 R1 G004 5.49
5 2 R1 G005 5.14
8 14 R1 G006 5.72
3 4 R1 G007 5.77
4 5 R1 G008 4.94