D001. Wheat varieties in randomized complete block design (RCBD)

The data file can be downloaded here:

This RCBD experiment was carried out in El Batán, Mexico, by the International Center for Improvement of Maize and Wheat (CIMMYT) for testing wheat varieties (gen) regarding their ability to produce seeds (yield) (Besag and Higdon 1999). The trial was carried in a single location with three single-column (col) replicates and fifty rows (row). A total of 50 treatments (varieties) were evaluated. The dataset is available from the agridat package (Wright 2023).

d001 <- read.table(here::here("data", "BESAG_ELBATAN.txt"), header = TRUE)
yield gen col row
3.37917 G01 1 1
3.58748 G02 1 2
4.32812 G03 1 3
4.53642 G04 1 4
2.59224 G05 1 5
2.40708 G06 1 6
2.63853 G07 1 7
4.00409 G08 1 8