D016. Use of lecithin in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

The data file can be downloaded here:

The data arise from an investigation of the use of lecithin in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (Der and Everitt 2002). Patients (id) suffering from Alzheimer’s disease were randomly allocated to receive either lecithin or placebo (trt) for a 6-month period. A cognitive test score giving the number of words recalled from a previously given standard list was recorded monthly for 5 months (score).

d016 <- read.table(here::here("data", "ALZHEIMER.txt"), header = TRUE)
trt id visit score
1 1 1 20
1 1 2 15
1 1 3 14
1 1 4 13
1 1 5 13
1 2 1 14
1 2 2 12
1 2 3 12