D011. Split-plot design of oats varieties

The data file can be downloaded here:

Yield of oats (yield) from a field experiment with 3 varieties (variety) and 4 levels of nitrogen fertilizer (factor: nitrogen; numeric: nrate) (Yates 1935). The experiment followed a split-plot design with 6 blocks (block) of 3 main plots (varieties; wplot), each split into 4 sub-plots (nitrogen; subplot). In other words, this means that each block is separated in 3 plots and in each of these plot there is only one variety. A plot corresponds to 4 individuals which are all assigned a different level of nitrogen. The dataset is available from the asreml package (Gilmour et al. 1995).

d011 <- read.table(here::here("data", "OATS.txt"), header = TRUE)
block nitrogen subplot variety wplot yield column row nrate
1 0.6_cwt 1 Marvellous 1 156 1 1 0.6
1 0.4_cwt 2 Marvellous 1 118 2 1 0.4
1 0.2_cwt 3 Marvellous 1 140 1 2 0.2
1 0_cwt 4 Marvellous 1 105 2 2 0.0
1 0_cwt 1 Victory 2 111 1 3 0.0
1 0.2_cwt 2 Victory 2 130 2 3 0.2
1 0.6_cwt 3 Victory 2 174 1 4 0.6
1 0.4_cwt 4 Victory 2 157 2 4 0.4