D017. Combination of three types of treatments on hypertension

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This dataset is associated with a study in which the effects of three types of treatments for hypertension where investigated (Landau and Everitt 2004). The three treatments correspond to a medication (drug; medication X, Y, or Z), a psychological feedback (biofeed; present or absent), and a diet (diet; given or not given). All 12 combinations of the three treatments were included in a \(3 \times 2 \times 2\) design. Seventy-two subjects suffering from hypertension were recruited to the study, with 6 being randomly allocated to each of the 12 treatment combinations. Blood pressure measurements were made on each subject after treatments (pressure).

d017 <- read.table(here::here("data", "PRESSURE.txt"), header = TRUE)
drug biofeed diet pressure
X Absent No 173
X Absent No 194
X Absent No 197
X Absent No 190
X Absent No 176
X Absent No 198
X Absent Yes 164
X Absent Yes 190