D009ped. Synthetic pedigree

The data file can be downloaded here:

The first three columns of this synthetic pedigree correspond to the individual ID (indiv), the male parent (sir), and the female parent (dam), respectively. Then, in the next column we have the level of inbreeding or selfing (f_gen) of the base individuals. A value between 0 and 1 indicates the level of inbreeding, then, number 1 indicates the individual was selfed once, number 2 indicates it was selfed twice, etc. Note that non-based individuals have their values set to 0 as there level of inbreeding or selfing is already defined by the pedigree. The next column defines the maternal grand-sire (grand_sire, the male parent of the female parent), and finally, we have the individual’s gender (sex).

d009ped <- read.table(here::here("data", "AINVERSE_PED.txt"), header = TRUE)
indiv sire dam f_gen grand_sire sex
ID1 0 0 7 0 1
ID2 0 0 3 NA 2
ID3 0 0 2 0 1
ID4 * 0 2 0 2
ID5 0 ID15 0 0 1
ID6 ID1 ID2 0 0 1
ID7 ID3 ID4 0 0 2
ID8 ID3 ID4 0 0 1