D015. Effect of several treatments on weight loss - Synthetic dataset

The data file can be downloaded here:

This dataset is simulated and contains information related to the hypothetical weight loss of 24 patients with different treatments. Theoretically, each patient (patient) was assigned one out of three treatments (trt), and his weight loss in pounds was recorded (loss). The initial weight of the patient is also indicated (weight).

d015 <- read.table(here::here("data", "WEIGHT_LOSS.txt"), header = TRUE)
trt patient weight loss
trtA 1 198 2
trtA 2 207 3
trtA 3 262 8
trtA 4 189 1
trtA 5 230 3
trtA 6 278 5
trtA 7 222 3
trtA 8 240 4