D018. Preserving liquids effects on dog heart’s enzyme content

The data file can be downloaded here:

Data from an experiment to study the effects of preserving liquids on the enzyme content of dog hearts (Payne et al. 2022). There were 23 hearts (heart) and 2 treatment factors (A and B), each at two levels. Measurements were made as a percentage of total enzyme in the heart (ATP), at 1 and 2 hourly intervals (time) during a 12-hour period following initial preservation.

d018 <- read.table(here::here("data", "ATP.txt"), header = TRUE)
heart time A B ATP
1 0 1 1 85.51
1 1 1 1 74.56
1 2 1 1 84.25
1 3 1 1 84.05
1 4 1 1 78.41
1 5 1 1 79.93
1 6 1 1 71.60
1 8 1 1 69.90