yield | gen | col | row |
3.37917 | G01 | 1 | 1 |
3.58748 | G02 | 1 | 2 |
4.32812 | G03 | 1 | 3 |
4.53642 | G04 | 1 | 4 |
2.59224 | G05 | 1 | 5 |
2.40708 | G06 | 1 | 6 |
ASR001. LMM for a randomized complete block design - Wheat varieties
The complete script for this example can be downloaded here:
In this example we will use the D001 dataset, and the first few rows are presented below:
The basic LMM for RCBD that we will fit in this example is:
\[ y = \mu + col + gen + e\ \] where,
\(y\) is the grain yield,
\(\mu\) is the overall mean,
\(col\) is the fixed effect of column (block),
\(gen\) is the random effect of treatment (genotype), with \(gen \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\,\sigma^{2}_{g})\),
\(e\) is the random residual effect, with \(e \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\,\sigma^{2}_{e})\).
Now, let’s take a look at how to write the model with ASReml-R. Note that before fitting the model, gen
and col
need to be set as factors.
<- asreml(
asr001 fixed = yield ~ col,
random = ~gen,
residual = ~units,
data = d001
Exploring output
Evaluate the statistical significance of fixed effect of block
wald(asr001, denDF = 'numeric')$Wald
Df denDF F.inc Pr
(Intercept) 1 49 967.900 0.0000000
col 2 98 1.135 0.3257146
Lets see the variance components:
component std.error z.ratio bound %ch
gen 0.1388994 0.06738716 2.061215 P 0
units!R 0.5153082 0.07361595 6.999953 P 0
Estimate the heritability:
vpredict(asr001, h2 ~ V1/(V1+V2))
Estimate SE
h2 0.2123171 0.09254986
The value of 0.212 for the heritability seems reasonable for this experiment, and the approximated standard error is also relatively small.
Extract the random additive genetic effects (BLUP/breeding values):
<- summary(asr001, coef = TRUE)$coef.random
solution std.error z.ratio
gen_G01 0.42473388 0.2793489 1.5204422
gen_G02 0.28676626 0.2793489 1.0265523
gen_G03 0.26607112 0.2793489 0.9524688
gen_G04 0.49716613 0.2793489 1.7797317
gen_G05 -0.06850108 0.2793489 -0.2452169
gen_G06 0.03497463 0.2793489 0.1252005
More information
Note that extensions of this model are available here: ASR002 and ASR009. The former uses covariates and the later incorporates spatial analysis with the ar1()