D008. Phenotypic data on Atlantic salmon

The data file can be downloaded here:

Phenotypic data of 1,481 Atlantic salmon individuals. All fish were phenotyped for mean gill score (mean of the left gill and right gill scores) and amoebic load (qPCR values using Neoparamoeba perurans specific primers, amplified from one of the gills). This dataset is obtained from the supplementary material in (Robledo et al. 2018).

d008 <- read.table(here::here("data", "SALMON.txt"), header = TRUE)
indiv mean_gill_score amoebic_load
Fish_00001 3.00 28.72
Fish_00002 3.50 26.47
Fish_00003 2.00 32.78
Fish_00004 3.25 26.90
Fish_00005 3.00 30.34
Fish_00007 2.50 31.36
Fish_00008 2.00 32.63
Fish_00009 2.50 35.73