D020. Treatment vs. placebo on the number of epileptic seizures

The data file can be downloaded here:

This dataset is from a clinical trial that was investigating the effect of a new treatment for epilepsy (trt; active treatment and placebo) involving 59 patients (patient). The number of epileptic seizures was counted over an 8-week period prior to treatment as baseline (base), and then following the treatment (seizure) over four 2-week periods (time). A logarithmic transformation (lbase) was performed over the baseline data (Brown and Prescott 2006).

d020 <- read.table(here::here("data", "EPILEPSY.txt"), header = TRUE)
patient time trt seizure base lbase
1 1 0 5 11 2.3979
1 2 0 3 11 2.3979
1 3 0 3 11 2.3979
1 4 0 3 11 2.3979
2 1 0 3 11 2.3979
2 2 0 5 11 2.3979
2 3 0 3 11 2.3979
2 4 0 3 11 2.3979